First impressions are pretty powerful. If you’re visiting with us for the first time, our goal is for you to be free to experience a connection with God through His Holy Spirit and to recognize your home among this body of Christian believers. That’s a lot easier to do if your visit isn’t filled with questions and no one to answer them. Our Greeter ministry is filled with volunteers whose job is simply to be present with a smile and the help you need in order to have that distraction-free connection with our Lord and Savior.
Current needs:
- Greeters (8:15 service)
- Greeters (10:45 service)

Did you know that among much of our homebound and senior communities, loneliness is every bit as much of a struggle as any physical health problem? They’re a segment of our society that too often tends to be forgotten, and one to which KABC sees an opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ through a partnership with Meals on Wheels of Tampa. MOW Tampa’s primary activity is a volunteer force that delivers over 800 hot, nutritious meals to area seniors weekly.
KABC’s contribution to this effort gets stronger with more drivers participating in the ministry. If you have a reliable vehicle and a heart for encouraging others, or maybe some free time to prepare the meals in our kitchen on Monday mornings, then this could be a very rewarding way for you to get plugged into the kingdom work at KABC.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Is there a more crucial call that God could place on a man or woman than to teach young children of His truth? Volunteers in Children’s Church have bravely answered that call. They serve a couple hours each week guiding the students to an understanding of who God is and how we should model the example of His love in our interactions with our fellow man.
Maybe you already know that communicating with these beautiful young ones is a gift the Lord has given you. Maybe you’re not sure but you feel something prompting you to try. That’s not just some unexplained internal feeling; that’s God speaking. Find out how to get your background check started and get involved in a child’s eternity by contacting the Children’s Director, Fran Rice, at

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn— shout for joy before the Lord, the King. Psalms 98:4-6
God desires man’s outward expression of worship to Him, and gave us music as one of the most innate ways to do that. We believe that He deserves the very best offering we can make in our musical worship as a body, as He does in all things we undertake for His glory. If God has blessed us with ability and resources, then we owe it to Him to continually improve on those gifts as we return them back to Him, as taught in Matthew 25.
Worship Arts is not an exclusive club. Anyone with a musical talent is welcome to inquire about serving, and we encourage you to speak with the Lord to discern whether He has placed a call on your life in this area. After personal prayer, please visit our Auditions page to learn more about next steps and how to introduce yourself to our team.
Current needs:
- Singers
- Guitarists
- Pianists
- Bassists
- Drummers

A close partner with Worship Arts, the AV Team helps the church remain an effective messenger of Jesus Christ’s gospel in in a visually-driven world with the highest audio and video production quality possible. AV supports not only our worship services, but also the activities of every ministry at KABC.
The AV Team is never NOT recruiting. The following are the recommended traits for those considering service on the AV Team:
- Interest or aptitude for electronic things in general
- Willingness to be taught
- Reliability
- Focus and attention to detail
Current needs:
- Live stream operators
- ProPresenter operators
- Audio engineers
- Lighting operators
KABC is proud to produce its 37th annual Walk Thru Bethlehem, a living recreation of the life and times of those who went to be taxed as subjects of Caesar Augustus and are spoken of in the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ. Using the help of over 300 volunteers and 20,000 square feet of recreated city, we take the guests of Walk Thru Bethlehem on a 30-minute guided tour through the city and introduce them to the sorts of citizens (actors) that one might have encountered during that time – carpenters, wool dyers, temple scribes, innkeepers, etc – and at the end, an exhausted couple who has no choice but to see their child born in the humility of a manger.
Visit to see date & time information and to make reservations.

If you have have specific skill or time to donate toward the upkeep of our facility, please contact